Tuesday, July 10, 2012

20 Business Fail - Mission

In short, I don't want to have to work my entire life and be left with not very much in old age.

I want to have money.
I want to be able to have a good time with my friends.
I want to be able to take care of myself and my folks in their old age.
I want to have freedom money. I want to have enough money so that I don't have to report to a boss everyday. I want to choose where I live and what time I work at. 
Dare I say it? I wanna have f*ck you money! The kind of money that you can slap people in the face with should they deserve it. 
Most audacious of all. I want all of this by the age of 40.

As my humble, yoga obsessed, firm owning lawyer of an uncle once told me; 
"Grace, money isn't everything... but it's everything else."

Well, how do I make money?

From what I learned from Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad, there's four ways to make money, and the first step on the route I'm choosing, is to be a small business owner.

BUT they say 95% of all businesses fail. That's 19/20. Only one out of 20 businesses succeeds.

Solution? Start 20 businesses. Work hard but with the expectation that I'll fail. I just need one hit and I'm off to the bank. ^^

20 Business Fail is my log and my accountability to start the task of creating 20 businesses with the goal of creating one success.

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